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Soul Alchemy


Welcome to a transformational one-on-one healing experience. As your Coach and Mentor, I guide you in releasing subconscious blocks and heal through suppressed emotions. This experience is about you coming home to you, your truth, and what’s in alignment for you, busting free from generational trauma, ancestral wounds and old paradigms.

You’ve been putting yourself on the back burner for far too long, haven't you?

It’s time to excavate through old stories, fears, identities, limiting belief systems, and addictions that keep you from showing the world who you truly are.

It’s time for you to devote yourself to the inner work so you can unveil who you are really and why you are here.

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Business & Vision Alchemy

You’ve done the deep spiritual work, and through your healing, you’ve ignited that passion within you, unveiling your soul’s purpose, and have an innate knowing that you’re destined for more. You know with every fibre of your being that it’s time to bring your purpose to fruition, and you have no idea where to even begin.

You may be feeling like you "should" be able to do it on your own. You may also be feeling so incredibly overwhelmed by not knowing where even to start. You may believe it's too expensive, and you don’t feel worthy of investing in your vision and your dreams. You know it’s a big decision, and feel you aren’t quite ready.  The truth is, there are people less experienced than you bringing their vision to life NOW because they started way before they felt ready.

Want To Alchemize your Biz & Vision, and Bring your Dreams to Fruition?

There is nothing I believe in more than learning from individuals who have created results in an area you are looking to thrive.

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Transform & Transcend

You’ve been feeling the tap for quite some time; however, you have no idea where to even begin. You’re done with the self-imposed limitations and self-sabotage (protection) patterns that are holding you back from tuning into and living in your truth. You know there are subconscious blocks in your way both personally and professionally, yet you have no idea how to bust through them. You know that you are more than ready to Release, Heal, Transform & Transcend.

In this 6-month Coaching Container, we’ll blend the healing methods within my Soul Alchemy Container with the systems and structure from my Business and Vision Alchemy Container, aligning with Your Truth and Igniting that Radiant Light within you; sharing your innate gifts with the world.

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Four Stages Of Soul Alchemy


Soul Alchemy refers to the transformation of the Self through Soul Work.

It aligns the personality with the soul's energy and through the journey from unconsciousness to consciousness. Using timeless and modern tools of healing and inquiry, we can learn to listen to the Soul's guidance as Inner Wisdom.



Breaking down your ego, self-doubt, self-sabotaging behaviour, and pride so that you may reconnect to your natural state of being.  This process provides an opportunity to take a step back and observe yourself, both positive and negative qualities, and not allowing yourself to base your sense of being on either. 


Allowing for your unconscious thoughts to come to the surface to observe them with conscious awareness. Separating our authentic thoughts and emotions from thoughts and emotions we have been conditioned to think and feel. This allows you to see yourself more clearly and delve deeper into your shadow work.


This is the first stage in the process of rebirth. It is both the death of our old thoughts, patterns, and beliefs and the beginning stages of the birth of your highest self through inner peace, stillness, and introspection. 


Through this Spiritual Ascension process, your energy and vibration are becoming lighter, your consciousness is expanding, and your thoughts and beliefs about life take on a new meaning. Your emotions, and those of others, become understood from a deeper level, and you go through life with more ease and joy. 

Client Love



"Meg has been an absolute gift to me; her tools, knowledge, and ability to know exactly what you need are truly life-changing.  There isn't a day that goes by that I haven't used what she's taught me, it's brought so much inner peace and clarity to my life, and I couldn't be more grateful.  I'm a completely different person than I was 5 years ago when I first started working with her; I honestly didn't believe I could ever change.

Working with Meg has not only changed my life on a personal level, but it's restored my love for what I do on a professional level too. I am forever grateful for my time spent working with Meg and blessed to call her my friend.

I love you, sista, and I thank you for all you do.❤️  " Lisa Almeida

"Almost 12 months ago, I hit a wall mentally, emotionally, and physically.  My life was spinning out of control, and my body was breaking down. Finally, one day I unexplainably passed out and collapsed onto the floor while my husband tried to bring me to for an hour.  I was desperate to change my ways, and I decided I really needed to focus on change; I didn’t know anything about change or about taking control. 

I just ran on autopilot (my hamster wheel) my whole life, dragging A heavy bag of “shit” behind me every day. What that “shit” was I couldn’t have told you a year ago, but today I could write an essay about it. 

A week later, I called Meghan Weir, and even though I had no idea about the enormous benefits I would soon be in the middle of, I was very desperate and surrendered to her every word.  After my six-month exploration of my life and, most importantly, my mind, I don’t even recognize the “me” from the past.  It’s honestly tough to explain to anyone my new self, my new brain, my new way of being.  Meghan walked me through the limiting beliefs in my mind, awakened me to the frantic routines of my day, and helped me rewire the stories I have told myself for decades.

Learning the traps of the mind has allowed me to find heaven on earth, and I owe it all to her.   I would do it over a hundred times; her ability to transform me was nothing short of a miracle that was worth every single penny, ten times over.  I am so incredibly grateful for Meghan and her wisdom.

If you, my soul sister here on earth, are close to thinking that this “might” be for you, I am here to tell you that this IS real, and you deserve to find your bliss,  just like I did. 

“My life wasn’t out of control. It was my brain.”

Thank you, Meghan WEIR. I love you forever, soul sister"~ Tracey Lamoureux

"I have been working with Meghan for close to a year and as cliché, as it may sound she has literally changed my life. I came to Meghan wanting to tackle some areas of my life I wasn't happy with and address some issues I had stuffed away and spent years numbing out.  And through the process, and DOING THE WORK I realized the source of what I thought I was numbing out was way off.  To say it was an awakening doesn't give it justice, it was really starting to open my eyes for the first time and re-find my voice. I'm still a work in progress, but I also know (THANKFULLY) I am not the person I used to be. Thank you, Meghan.  Love you girl!" Jolene Jacobs


1:1 Mentorship

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